By opting to study A Level Maths at HC6 you are instantly going to be opening up a wide range of career prospects for your future especially within the finance, economics, technology, science, and education sectors of the world of work.
Students studying maths or maths-related degrees tend to be highly sought after by employers. So if it’s a subject you enjoy and are good at then following a course in this subject will be a fantastic and beneficial experience.
A-level Mathematicians develop excellent problem-solving skills, including learning how to use Maths to model real-world issues and predict outcomes. They become adept analytical and creative thinkers and develop the ability to construct and de-construct logical arguments.
HC6 A-level Mathematicians need to be resilient, driven and determined to succeed this is a rigorous course and requires students to complete individual learning tasks independently.
In return, we know our students individually and offer specific areas of expertise, guidance and support when and where it is needed.
Course details
Qualification: A-level
Exam Board: AQA
Exam make-up: Individual exam (100%) / Coursework (0%)
Unit Titles: Unit 1 – Pure. Unit 2 – Pure and Mechanics. Unit 3 – Pure and Statistics.
Key skills required: A passion for maths, the ability to solve problems, logic skills, love a challenge.
Entry Requirements: Grade 6 Maths at GCSE.
Career prospects:
- Accounting
- Air Traffic Control
- Bank Manager
- Credit Control
- Criminologist
- Data Analyst/Statistician
- Economist
- Financial Adviser
- Meteorologist
- Software Developer
- Stockbroker
- Tax Adviser
Complementary subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Further Maths, Business Studies, and Economics
Staff details
Name: Miss Joyce
Degree Subject: Mathematics
University studied at: Swansea University

Tom Hudson
A Level/BTEC grade achieved: A
Studied at University of Bath